Books and Stories

On this page, you can find my newest book projects …

Magazine “The Wordslingers”

A Compilation of Flash Fiction stories, written by our writing group “The Wordslingers.”
Contributing Authors:
Beth Garboczi, Amy Hall Spegal, Paige Ochoa, Sara van Hall, Annerose Walz, Matthew Wirta
Magazine Design: Annerose Walz
Edits: Juniper Hite

Read the Magazine here

Short Story
My Short Story That’s My Life or Is It? has been
published in the Writing Journey Anthology
Spaces In Between

Short Story
My Short Story Sacred Blue Love has been
published in the Writing Journey Anthology
Denizens of the Deep

Short Story
My Short story Three Letters has been
published in the Writing Journey Anthology
Triple Vision

Short Story
My Short story The Family Tree has been
published in the Writing Journey Anthology
Masks, Facades, and Reveals

Short Story
My short story Life is Pretty Pink has been
published in the Writing Journey Anthology
The Love Anthology

Short Story
My short story Lost on the South Lawn
is published in the
Writing Journey Anthology
Reasons for Hope

Short Story  
My short story Wolf’s Legacy is published
in the Writing Journey Anthology
Near Myths

My Design Project 2017
They Matter…
Life Lessons from Heroes and Sheroes.
Authored by Alvenia Rhea Albright
and designed by Annerose Walz

Travel Journal
– a colorful journal for traveling teens
and those who are young at heart.

The Sketchbook Project – Look How different they are
I was an official Sketch Book Artist of the Brooklyn Art Library – The Sketchbook Project Vol 15

I participated in the Sketchbook Project and drafted a sketchbook about animals…
“My favorite models still are animals. I just love how different they are, and this is what this sketchbook is all about … the beauty of these special and different
animals. I hope you enjoy looking at the booklet.”

Unfortunately, my sketchbook was lost like so many others due to a fire in their facility.