My Short Story ‘Life is Pretty Pink’

My third short story, Life is Pretty Pink is published in the brand new Writing Journey Anthology 2019.

The new anthology that my writers’ group The Writing Journey (Based in Naperville, IL) put together centers around the theme of LOVE. The book is comprised of 19 stories/poems contributed by various authors, each exploring different aspects of love and relationships.

Writing this anthology was another challenging and educational experience for me. To dip my feet into this unfamiliar writing theme, writing the story, reading other author’s diverse stories and poems, critiquing them and being critiqued again helped me grow my skills and continue honing them.

I am thankful for our editors (Tim and Jean) and all the other authors who worked so hard to make this new book happen.
Especially Tim Yao, who compiled the book and worked endlessly to bring the book into existence. Thank you, Tim!

My story “Life is Pretty Pink” is about two strangers who meet on a plane.
Angel and Gregor both carry their share of failed relationships. Now that their paths have crossed, will they be able to step towards each other and overcome their obstacles?
Will they take the risk and allow the spark to light their way into a brighter future?

So, if you like to read about the love anthology you can buy the book on Amazon or check it out on Good Reads.

The love anthology stories and poems about the ties that binds – by the Writing Journey

Amazon Blurb: What’s love got to do with it? Everything, as appears in these intriguing short stories, flash fiction pieces, and poems by The Writing Journey. Love doesn’t happen in just a few lines on a Valentine card. It can touch the heart when least expected. Strangers, sisters, mother and child, friends, and lovers grace these pages in ways as old as love itself and as new as a first embrace. It’s all about love in its laughter and tears, mystery and hope, splendor and despair. Let the Writing Journey take you with them as they explore the many facets of love. Featuring works by: Barbara Bartilson, Kelly Duff, Elaine Fisher, Todd Hogan, Diana Jean, Debra Kollar, Karen Limbrick, Keshia Nowden, Mary O’Brien Glatz, Gwen Tolios, Annerose Walz, and Tim Yao. Edited by Diana Jean and Tim Yao. For other Writing Journey anthologies, see

On Good Reads:
Love isn’t just roses on Valentine’s Day or what you see in movies. Love can be found between sisters, a mother and daughter, friends, neighbors, and even strangers.
The Writing Journey presents this anthology of short stories, flash fiction and poems that explores the myriad ways how love is expressed or hidden in relationships.