My Short Story ‘Sacred Blue Love’

My sixth short story, Sacred Blue Love is published in the 2022 Writing Journey Anthology DENIZENS of the DEEP – Illustrated stories and poems by the Writing Journey

“Sacred Blue Love” is a fantasy story about a mermaid fighting to right the wrong she made 15 years ago. A mistake that spread its consequences into the present and has the ability to change the future and end a life.

You can find our new anthology on Amazon.

Amazon blurb:
Denizens of the Deep is an anthology exploring what may be living – or hiding – in the darkness of deep water. Ranging from historical fiction to fantasy to science fiction, twenty-one authors take you beneath the wave to discover the secrets of those who dwell there.
A woman follows her husband into the sea to the cave of a siren. A scientist looks to the ocean for the secret of immortality. Divers run into unexpected finds under the waves. Underwater cities struggle to keep the water out. Mermaid treasures are lost and found, and so too are souls.
Featuring poems, flash fiction, short stories, and illustrations, these twenty-nine tales will introduce you to the wonders – and dangers – of the deep.

Contributing authors:
Victoria Williams, Elaine J Fisher, Tina Porubsky, Gertrude Daly, Tauna Sonne Le Mare, Jennifer Smith, N. Frances Moritz, Tim Yao, Bevan Das, Debra Kollar, Mary O’Brien Glatz, Liz SanFilippo Hall, Dawn DeLaura Vogelsberg, Sherry Linker, Jennifer Stasinopoulos, Susan Ekins, Karen Stumm Limbrick, Nikki Green, Annerose Walz, Gwen Tolios, J.M. Guilfoyle.

This is the fourteenth anthology produced by The Writing Journey, a Chicago-based writers’ group dedicated to helping authors write, improve, network, and grow.

The Writing Journey is a collaborative community of creative writers and artists (see for more information). The complete list of its anthologies is available at