“The Wordslingers” Magazine – Flash Fiction Stories 2023

Our first “The Wordslingers” Magazine –

A Compilation of Flash Fiction stories, written by our writing group “The Wordslingers.”

Contributing Authors:
Beth Garboczi, Amy Hall Spegal, Paige Ochoa, Sara van Hall, Annerose Walz, Matthew Wirta

Magazine Design: Annerose Walz

Edits: Juniper Hite

In Spring 2023 one of my colleagues, Matthew, challenged me to write a flash fiction piece.

I had never written flash fiction before. I’m a novel writer. Even my short stories challenge me to stay within the usual 3,000-word limit. Now, flash fiction is even more limited, to 500 to 1500 words. I took the challenge just to prove to myself that I could do it. For our first story, Matthew suggested, “Let’s just write about whatever comes to mind”

So, we started …

After our first pieces were done in March, we challenged other writer colleagues to add their pieces and every month we picked prompts about what to write about.

Tata, The Wordslingers were born.

At the end of 2023, I thought it would be great to compile our stories to enjoy looking back at what we accomplished despite all the challenges we faced throughout the year and I designed this magazine. It’s the first edition of our flash fiction pieces written in 2023.

I hope you enjoy our scribblings because we had a lot of fun writing new pieces every month.

Read the Magazine here