Like a whirlwind…

This was a really long summer break 🙂
No, actually these were some whirlwind-like couple of months.
First my daughter graduated and started her first job at Brookfield Zoo.
In August she started her freshman year in Colorado. Then, my husband got a new job and we moved to Colorado, too.
All this happened really fast and we had to search for a new place to stay, prep the house in Chicago to be sold and find a new permanent place in Colorado.
I am still trying to catch my breath 🙂

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Who are you?

Do you know who you are? That’s one of the big questions in life.
I recently stumbled over this question in an inspiring blog post by Jeff Goins (if you interested you can read it here, Goins, Writer)
In his article Jeff states, that ‘when we know who we are, we know what to do.
I like that, and I think there is a lot of truth hidden in this statement.

When I take pictures I often ask “who are you?”  because I want to capture the personalities, not only of humans but also of the animals I portrait.

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